Accident at Work

I've been extremely absent from blogging for over 3 weeks now because my fiance (oh yeah, I also got engaged recently) was injured in an accident at his work place. Due to this accident, he broke 18 bones (vertebrae, ribs, and pelvis bones) and punctured his lung (among many things). Thankfully, he is mending at a rapid speed (so fast that even the orthopedic surgeons literally stated their shock), and he continues to push himself to mend everyday. I'm so proud of my man and I'm so grateful he will have a full recovery without surgery.

My man is a warrior and he is one of the most positive people I know! He encourages me to not only tackle challenges, but he shows me to look beyond the challenge and view myself going a step further successfully. I've never seen this side of him, but he surprisingly made me want to be a better person just be watching how he responded to this difficult time in his life.
